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Shopee - Ecommerce Website

A full-fledged e-commerce website with a wide range of products and categories, a user-friendly interface, and a secure payment gateway.

Shopee - Ecommerce Website

Shopee - Ecommerce Website

Welcome to Shopee, an ecommerce website that brings the world of online buying and selling to your fingertips. Built on the robust MERN Stack, this web app offers a seamless and secure experience for users looking to explore a wide range of products.


Shopee is not just an ecommerce platform; it's a comprehensive solution designed with user convenience in mind. Here's a closer look at what it has to offer:


  • User Authentication and Authorization: Enjoy a secure environment with user authentication and authorization, ensuring that your personal information is protected.

  • Product Catalog: Browse through a diverse product catalog with search and filter options, making it easy to find exactly what you're looking for.

Product Catalog
Product Catalog
  • Product Details Page: Dive deep into product details with images, descriptions, and reviews, empowering you to make informed purchase decisions.

    Product Details Page
    Product Details Page
  • Shopping Cart and Checkout: Seamlessly navigate the shopping cart and checkout process, with integrated payment options for a hassle-free transaction experience.

Product Details Page
Product Details Page
  • User Account Management: Manage your user account effortlessly, including order history and account details.
Product Details Page
Product Details Page
  • Admin Panel: For sellers and administrators, there's an intuitive admin panel to manage products, orders, and users efficiently.
Product Details Page
Product Details Page
  • Email Notifications: Stay informed with email notifications for order confirmation and shipment updates, ensuring you're always in the loop.

  • Responsive Design: Whether you're on a mobile device or desktop, Shopee's responsive design provides a consistent and enjoyable experience.

Technologies Used

  • Front-end: React, Redux, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
  • Payment Integration: Stripe API
  • Deployment: Heroku, Netlify, MongoDB Atlas

Challenges Faced

Building an ecommerce platform with the MERN stack posed its own set of challenges, and overcoming them led to valuable insights and growth:

  • User Authentication: Implementing secure user authentication and authorization using JWT tokens was a crucial aspect of ensuring user data privacy.

  • Payment Integration: Integrating a payment gateway and ensuring secure transactions required careful consideration and testing.

  • State Management: Managing complex state using Redux, especially handling asynchronous actions, was a learning curve that improved the overall stability of the application.

  • UI/UX Design: Designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface was a priority, contributing to a seamless user experience.


Shopee is not just a project; it's a journey of exploration and innovation within the MERN stack. By leveraging modern technologies and best practices, this ecommerce website stands as a testament to what's possible in the world of web development. I invite you to explore Shopee, experience the features firsthand, and let it inspire your own journey in creating innovative web applications. Happy shopping!

Syket Das
Written by Syket Das

Syket Das is a blogger, software engineer and the main coordinator of this blog, he has lots of ideas and won't hesitate to use them!